Johanna Lynn draws on epigenetics to explain how your family stories are your stories – in every way our ancestors live on within you. The challenges you face and the gifts you have in life are not yours alone, they are shared across multiple generations.

We discuss what she calls emotional inheritance and how we can shift how we hold that past within us. Epigenetics shows us that our ancestors are a part of our wilderness that we can remember and explore as a path towards greater wellness, shifting from one of separation to one of wholeness.

Our conversation covers:

an introduction to epigeneticshow our ancestor's life experience affects our own through our DNAhow we can shift painful patterns explore mysterious and stubborn symptomsthe ways we are resourced by our families historieshow our children can guide us towards what is unresolved in our family lineageshow ancestors of place, or our mother lands, are a part of our family systems too and how we can forge a creative belonging by taking into account our whole selves 

Joanna Lynn is a clinical therapist focusing on epigenetics or how our family story is our personal story and the way that it lives on within us. As she says, science tells us that our biography becomes our biology. She works with clinicians and coaches to integrate the wisdom of epigenetics and sees clients in her international practice so you can work with her individually or as a family to shift painful patterns, or to explore mysterious and stubborn symptoms.

More information:

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Hear more from Johanna on other podcasts episodes

Paper on the role of epigenetics in mental health