You'll learn about the theory of the "motherline", a path for accessing and honoring your feminine wisdom as a mother. I share personal and professional reflections on how the motherline has helped me and others feel connection, build resilience, and heal intergenerational trauma by remembering our origins.  

I touch on:

an introduction to Naomi Ruth Lowinsky's theoryhow cultural denigration of the feminine causes us to lose track of these storiesthe "looping" that bends time and space to aid us in our  personal developmentthe motherline's healing power in mother-daughter relationshipshow to honor our "lost mothers" that are our feminine soulsthe importance of a grandmothers, andengaging Mother Earth as archetypal mother

Allie Davis, PhD is a holistic maternal wellness counselor and mother of one wild child who helps mothers awaken to their deep connection with Mother Nature so they can root confidently into who they are and their mothering role. Learn more about Allie or book a free discovery call.

More information:

Paula Gunn Allen's book The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions

Naomi Ruth Lowinsky's book The Motherline: Every Woman's Journey to Find Her Female Roots

Grandmother hypothesis scientific paper

Smithsonian grandmother hypothesis article

Grandmother hypothesis article from NPR

Episode on epigenetics, or the science of how your family lives on within your DNA, with Johanna Lynn

Root into Mother Nature with a free guided mindful outdoor experience

Book a free call with Allie for mothering support