The Three Spiritual Keys for Empowered Soulful Living

Join us for a lively discussion with katye anna and learn how you can live a life empowered by your soul.

Katye Anna is a teacher of soul, transformational author, speaker, and workshop facilitator. Katye Anna fully embodies the life of a modern day mystic. Her books include Birthing into Spirit, Conscious Construction of the Soul, Soul Love Never Ends and CrossRoads- Living A Soul Inspired Life.

Gift for listeners from Katye Anna: FREE Collection of Life Mastery MP3's. 

Learn the Three Spiritual Keys for Empowered Soulful Living and the Simple and very Specific “Catch and Release Process" for releasing old outdated beliefs and patterns that hold you and your life hostage and frozen in the past. You will also receive 5 meditations to help you create a soul guided life. As an extra bonus you will receive three powerful discourses about creating an abundant life, the 7th earth planes of consciousness and how to catch and understand “thought” transmissions from the world of spirit.

Your Host: Transformational Story Coach, Petra Nicoll

Petra's trials and tribulations in her own life have inspired her book, Petra’s Ashes: A Transcendental Journey (2016 release) and have made her who she is today – a compassionate, insightful and loving being who can help you rise like a phoenix and soar!

Get Petra's FREE Meditation MP3 at