Guest: Maryalice Coleman

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Office: 888-546-0336

Shatter Shame and SHINE!

Petra and Maryalice share a heart-led discussion on understanding the hidden effects of childhood abuse and trauma and how it runs your life.

Maryalice Coleman is an Inner- Life Coach, Mentor, International Author and Workshop Leader for women who are tired of struggling with the effects of hidden shame and pain stemming from childhood abuse and trauma. Combining the education of how the brain functions to survive abuse, the subconscious' deriving meaning from it, habits formed, and the mind secretly controlled by ill coping mechanisms, and the development of personality, Maryalice dives deep to help bring alignment and coherence to one's inner connections in order to bring about inner peace, outer success, and living in their true essence.

Free gift: If one chooses to opt in on the website,, listeners will be given a recording of me discussing Six Keys to SHINE the light within.   

Your Host: Transformational Story Coach, Petra Nicoll

Petra's trials and tribulations in her own life have inspired her book, Petra’s Ashes: A Transcendental Journey (2016 release) and have made her who she is today – a compassionate, insightful and loving being who can help you rise like a phoenix and soar!

Get Petra's FREE Meditation MP3 at