The Importance of self-image and empathy for Kids

Guests: Beth Donnelly and Dagny Grant

Donnelly and Grant are coaches in law of attraction principles in their work with Matrix Productions as well as their independent practices. A passion for them is sharing these principles to inspire adults and children alike to let their greatness shine and realize a world of unlimited possibilities!

Beth Donnelly and Dagny Grant are co-authors of the international best-selling “Journey of Joy Series” owned and produced by Matrix Productions. Matrix Productions is a multi-media company having a global impact on those ready to expand their awareness of the connection between mind, body and spirit. Through their publication of books, on-line classes, videos and webinars, they produce tools that will shape the thoughts and hearts of like-minded people. They also affiliate with highly recommended transformational programs.


Beth & Dagny would like to offer listeners a free gift of a free ‘Matrix Meditation’ audio. Detailswill be given during the show.

Your Host: Transformational Story Coach, Petra Nicoll

Petra's trials and tribulations in her own life have inspired her book, Petra’s Ashes: A Transcendental Journey (2016 release) and have made her who she is today – a compassionate, insightful and loving being who can help you rise like a phoenix and soar!

Get Petra's FREE Meditation MP3 at