Previous Episode: Mulholland Drive (2001)
Next Episode: Jackie Brown (1997)

In this week's podcast, Peter and Ray travel back to the year 2006 to revisit Darren Aronofsky's, The Fountain (Ray's pick). We chat about what the heck this movie is even about, how important it is for films to make the audience think, if this movie would have been better if the budget wasn't cut, and much more.

Listen to next week's pod when Peter and Ray jump back to the 1997 to rewatch the Quentin Tarantino flick, Jackie Brown.

Shout Outs: Peter- Straight Plays (non-musicals) | Ray- Younger (TV Land)

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Credits: Album art created by friend of the pod Lis. Visit her Etsy store to see more of her work.

Music for this episode is provided by FMA and created by Audiobinger- "Pre-Game Warm-Up".

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