In this week's podcast, we revisit one of Peter's favorite movies of all time, Mulholland Drive (2001). We chat about what we think this film is trying to tell us, if it's odd story telling ways makes sense, and if David Lynch's cinematic style is for everyone.

There are no Shout Outs this week (sad face) but we do talk about Peter's visit to the new Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. A new land that recently opened up at Disneyland in California. Peter gives his thoughts and Ray chimes in even though he has never been.

Listen to next week's pod when we revisit Ray's movie pick, The Fountain (2006).

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Credits: Album art created by friend of the pod Lis. Visit her Etsy store to see more of her work.

Music for this episode is provided by FMA and created by Audiobinger- "Pre-Game Warm-Up".

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