Previous Episode: The Fountain (2006)

In this week's podcast, Peter and Ray travel back to the year 1997 to revisit the Quentin Tarantino flick, Jackie Brown. We chat about if this one of the most underrated of all the Tarantino films, what makes this movie so special, the music used, and much more. Hope you listen and enjoy!

Listen to next week's podcast when Peter, Ray, and a special guest change up the format to chat about the 1994 animated Disney classic, The Lion King and the 2019 remake as well. Lots of things are sure to be said in this episode.

Shout Outs: Peter- Aziz Ansari: Right Now (Netflix) | Ray- Euphoria (HBO)

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Credits: Album art created by friend of the pod Lis. Visit her Etsy store to see more of her work.

Music for this episode is provided by FMA and created by Audiobinger- "Pre-Game Warm-Up".



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