Part 2 of 3 of the series “The Common Mistakes Developers Make and How to Avoid It”. In this episode, I will share with you my personal experiences with the mistakes I have made or I've seen other people make and how you can avoid these.

Me and my business partner were on track to make a million-dollar profit and the GFC came and those profits disappeared right before our eyes. With a lot of hard work and painstaking effort we're still able to earn $200 grand in the middle of GFC.

Oftentimes, developers want to pump up how wealthy they are so they’ll buy expensive cars to look the part.

I started when I first bought my Mercedes. I admit I bought it on debt. And that really emphasizes to me especially on the GFC when the car value is going down, the value of the car is a lot less than what I owed the bank. I want to sell it but I wasn’t able to sell it because the debt on it was significant and I didn’t have the cash handy to pay off that debt.

When you pay cash, you get really really good deals, good discounts. The car that I traded in my old AMG Mercedes had no debt on it. I was debt-free and I wasn’t pouring money.

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