Part 3 of 3 of the series “The Common Mistakes Developers Make and How to Avoid Them”. In the world of property development, there are frustrations, there are breakdowns and there are things that get you stuck. You might start building a house or doing a subdivision and often things don’t go to plan. It's just part of the nature of the beast. You can easily get upset when finance takes too long, buyers take too long and promises from consultants are broken due to unexpected delays or council requirements changing without notice.


In this episode, I will share more Common Mistakes that Developers Make - “Why Not Being Area Experts and Not knowing your Own Turf is Critical” and “Why Trying To Do Too Much “ Can get you in Hot Water!


Download This FREE Video of How I Made $215,031 Dollars In An “OVERPRICED SUBURB” Subdividing One Lot Into Five Miniature Ones! -->>


*“How I Made $215,031 Dollars Subdividing A 1000m2 Lot Into Five Miniature Ones!”

 *They told me “no good deals left in this suburb”… But $215,031 profit in 12 months proved them wrong!!!!

*Now for the first time ever, I’m spilling the beans about ‘Miniature Subdivisions’: Where to find them, how to get them approved, and how to profit from them big time… even in “overpriced” suburbs!


Learn more at