Have you implemented ADA compliance on your website, for real, or have you taken the easy way out with one of those ADA compliance overlays? This is episode 90 of the RethinkYour.com Podcast, in which we are breaking down the finer points of the outcome of a recently settled ADA compliance lawsuit. Followed by an equally important topic for this holiday season: What to do with your online inventory when your items are temporarily out of stock? We’ll discuss a few options, and tell you our recommendation to give your Google ranking its best chances. Let’s go! (recorded October 31, 2021) ReThinkYour.com Podcast is a production by Jeweler Websites Inc. hosted by Matthew Perosi and George Blair. Visit RethinkYour.com for show notes, attributions, and footnotes for this and all other episodes. Please rate, review, follow, and subscribe on your platform of choice.