On today's episode of RethinkYour.com we get into the topic of password protecting pages of a website and a product catalog. If you’ve been in the jewelry industry long enough then you’ll remember how, in the early 2000s, many jewelry vendors hid their entire website behind a standardized jewelry industry login. Today, modern wholesale jewelry suppliers now publish their entire catalog online, hiding only their prices until a registered buyer logs in. But what if you’re a retail jeweler or a B2C jewelry designer and you want to require a login for your customers to see your website. We’re here to tell you that a consumer login is contrary to SEO methodology of today. Let’s break down the different layers and reasons why you might want to require a consumer login, and as we do, you’ll hear some golden nuggets that would boost your SEO. These tips are great for any jewelry site, and they will help a password protected site regain their lost SEO. Let’s listen in…