Industry News: "Product Descriptions Are as Important as Product Photos" by Emili Vesilind and JCK Magazine -- Matt and George review and comment

Common Reasons for Website Traffic Drop: A drop in your organic traffic from search engines can happen at any time. Sometimes it's because Google is measuring things differently, sometimes your competitors are doing things differently, sometimes you can't figure out what's happening. Let's look at a few common scenarios; website redesign, changes with Google, competitor improvements, and unknown technical issues + fixes using and Google Search Console

Does your website ranking feel like you’re playing a game of Chutes and Ladders sending you back to Square One? This episode of the Podcast covers some of the common reasons for fluctuating ranking and how to discover why and then deal with them. (recorded January 29, 2020)

Please visit to ask questions, suggest topics, and see our citations for some of the things we reference in this episode.  This podcast is a production of Jeweler Websites Inc.