a) Don't Take Our Word For It: Part 2 of our review of the survey from McKinsey published on November 12, 2020 after conducting COVID-19 surveys since April 2020 that provided essential data for the changing consumer behavior you need to plan for.

b) Rethink Your eComm: George and Matt talk about the usual reasons jewelers are hesitant about starting a jewelry catalog with ecommerce, and some of the ways to get over the initial hurdles.

Websites are often thought to be cold and unfeeling. As the website owner you need to offer online services which mimic the same level of customer service that you offer in your store. Jewelers often overlook the small and subtile things which elevate you from an uncaring selling site to one that’s shows you care about your shoppers. How is this done? That’s what this podcast is all about. (recorded December 10, 2020)

Please visit rethinkyour.com to ask questions, suggest topics, and see our citations for some of the things we reference in this episode.