Centre for Hebraic Insights artwork

Centre for Hebraic Insights

363 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 3 years ago -

The Centre for Hebraic Insights teaches classes and seminars on the following subjects:
Shadows of the Messiah (How Jesus/Yeshua can be seen through the Old Testament documents as the foreshadowing of the Messiah
Early Christian Communities- (An in-depth look at the people, places and documents that started the conversations about Christianity and its earliest beliefs and practices. Also included is the Canonization Process of the New Testament documents, how they came into being seen as "apostolic" and what books were eliminated out contention and why
Kabbalah 101-An introductory series on Kabbalah and the Jewish Mysticism behind it. The material covers a very practical version of Kabbalah, that will give the participant simple practices and tools to become more centered on a flourishing spiritual existence.
These are just the main core classes available-for further descriptions and preparing a program based on your unique interests and needs, contact us at [email protected] or call Dr. David Fournier at 719-309-8311 See Less

Spirituality Religion & Spirituality christianity judaism kabbalah zohar jesus bible israel
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Celebrating Hanukkah: What is Hanukkah and How is it Remebered?

December 13, 2017 04:00 - 31 minutes - 27.9 MB

Hanukkah, also known as The Festival of Lights or Feast of the Dedication is probably the best know Jewish celebration. The holiday is often misunderstood for its historical importance to the Jewish people. Join Rabbi Hilbrant as he teaches on the history of Hanukkah and why the holiday continues to be celebrated. Hanukkah stands as one the Jewish holidays that is known among non-Jewish people, yet still shrouded in mystery.

The Importance of the Recognition of Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel

December 07, 2017 04:00 - 35 minutes - 31.3 MB

Rabbi Hilbrant dicusses the importance of Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel and how this moment in time is escalating the Jewish belief in the return of Messiah. Due to recent events, the Rabbis, Sages, Torah Scholars and Jews worldwide are paying attention and seeing events they have been praying abiut for years. Rabbi will discuss in depth the hope of the Jewish future and the powerful political landscape surrounding the nation of Israel  

Rabbis Perspective on Sabbath Part 2

November 28, 2017 04:00 - 32 minutes - 28.9 MB

This episode is Part Two of our Q/A session with Rabbi Hilbrant covering Sabbath observance and practice. This episode will cover the question of Jesus and His take on  Sabbath. Was Jesus a Sabbath observant? Did He teach on Sabbath? Also, is Sabbath a Biblical Mandate? Join Rabbi Hilbrant this evening for a lively discussion

Zohar in 15-Commentaries of the Rabbis

November 24, 2017 03:30 - 28 minutes - 24.8 MB

This episode will deal with the added commentary of the Rabbis on certain portions of The Zohar Volume Five. Getting a look at how the Rabbis looked at and made the Zohar come alive in their own lives and times gives insight into daily applications of this often misunderstood book. The Rabbis help us see the Zohar in live time-and bring it to our understanding so we can be better equipped for our work in Restoring the World

Understanding the Sabbath-A Rabbi's Explanation...

November 17, 2017 04:00 - 33 minutes - 29.8 MB

Why is the idea of Sabbath such an issue? How important is the Sabbath to the Jewish people? Rabbi Hilbrant will explain the purpose and practice of Sabbath and how it can make deeper connections with Hashem. Sabbath is a blessing offered by God as a connection-a time to meet with Him-and rest from the worries and challenges of the day.

Did the Church Persecute the Jewish People?

November 07, 2017 04:00 - 35 minutes - 31.6 MB

Did the Church persecute the Jewish people, just for being the Christ Killers? Are we at a place in history where in order to move forward on improving Jewish/Christian relations, we need to examine the past and begin to answer the tough questions about it? Join Rabbi Hilbrant as he discuss this difficult topic and give guidance on how we can move forward.

The Four Pillars of Judaism-Where Christianity and Judaism Need to Start...

October 27, 2017 03:00 - 33 minutes - 30.1 MB

For years, Christians have been staunch supporters of the State of Israel and Israel's right to her land. For many Christians, Israel has been given this land by God (the God both Christianity and Judaism share in common practice and Scriptures). Rabbis, Sages and the Jewish people are thankful for Christians support on this issue. But the support ends quickly when the discussions turn to the Torah, the practice of Judaism and the Law of Moses. Rabbi Hilbrant will be teaching on the concept t...

The Mystery of Yom Kippur-A Rabbi's Explanation

October 20, 2017 03:00 - 31 minutes - 27.5 MB

Rabbi Hilbrant offers an in-depth explanation of the High Holy Day, Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur is often denounced by Christians circles as the day Jews disregard the scarifice of Jesus. Rabbi Hilbrant will explain what Yom Kippur is and how it fits between the holy days that surround it. Join Rabbi Hilbrant to learn about Yom Kippur and how it fits in the framework of Judaism

Torah, Prophets and the Writings-Seeing the Jewish Lens of the Scriptures

September 15, 2017 03:00 - 32 minutes - 28.6 MB

Whenever we are discussing the Bible, we need to have a solid foundation in the Scriptures.  Approaching the text with a consistent and practical working knowledge from and experienced teacher is critical in our pursuits.  Join Rabbi Hilbrant as he talks about a solif foundation and how understanding the Torah and the Writings is very critical to understanding Jesus and the New Testament documants.

Understanding Our Circumstances-Zohar in 15

September 12, 2017 16:30 - 17 minutes - 15 MB

Often our circumstances can be difficult.  Going through the human existence is a trying pathway. For many of us, we try so hard to find the reason behind the suffering, put on a happy face and proclaim it is "all for the good", while the whole time feeling lost, sad, depressed and in pain.  Many of life's hurts and pain simply cant be explained away by saying "all for the good".  The Old Testament tells us of a man named Jacob, who in his own right, suffered greatly in his own life.  Jacob c...

Understanding the New Covenant Documents-Through the Lens of Judaism Part 2

September 01, 2017 03:00 - 31 minutes - 27.5 MB

Rabbi Hilbrant's teaching series is covering the importance of seeing the New Testament documents through the eyes of the authors-the Jewish Disciples. Rabbi will be expanding on Acts 15 and how understanding Jewish teachings (Rabbis, Sages, Oral Law) helps fill in the natural flow of these valuable documents.  Without a doubt, there is endless historical depths to be plummed when we take a moment to look thorugh the lens of Hebraic Perspective

Zohar in 15-Surviving the Wilderness Experience, Learning from Israel's Example

August 29, 2017 14:00 - 27 minutes - 24.2 MB

When Israel was facing the challenges of the Wilderness Experience, things looked very bleak. There were some that were ready to face the challenges, others grumbled about a possible return to Egypt. Moses was deaeling with all this at the same time pleading with God not to destroy them for their disbelief. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier for a valuable look into this Biblical narrative and see what depths of understanding we can pull from Israel's lessons.

Understanding the New Covenant Documents-Through the Lens of Judaism

August 29, 2017 03:00 - 31 minutes - 27.7 MB

Join Rabbi Hilbrant as he expands on the New Testament documents through the eyes and understandings of their authors, not through the eyes of pressed on doctrines. Rabbi suggests by opening our eyes to the Hebraic perspectives of the original authors, we can begin to plum the depths of the New Testament. Always a contested conversation, Rabbi will present solid evidence for the need of Christianity to look deeper to their Jewish friends for answers on Messiah and the New Testament

Understanding the Place and Power of Jewish Oral Law-

August 18, 2017 03:30 - 35 minutes - 31.1 MB

Rabbi Hilbrant will open this class series addressing the Oral Law and Traditions, and how they play into Jewish teachings and life.  For over a thousabd years, Jewish Oral Law has been the backdrop on which the Rabbis and Sages have implemented Torah through all the changing landscapes and adversity the Jewish people have faced.

The Lies of Hamas Part 2

August 11, 2017 03:00 - 31 minutes - 28 MB

Join Rabbi Hilbrant for part two of his series on The Lies of Hamas.  Terrorism runs deep with Hamas and the group pretends to be looking out for the benefit of the Palestine State Creation, but the facts show that Hamas is only moticated by the idea of the total destruction of the State Of Israel.  Rabbi will discuss the lame efforts of the United Nations and how out of touch most politicians truly are on the subject

"The Lies of Hamas"

July 21, 2017 03:00 - 31 minutes - 27.6 MB

Join Chief Rabbi Hilbrant on this episode as he answers the following questions: 1) Are the current people living as Palenstinians actually the Bibical group known as the Philistines? 2) Does their claim to be Philisitnes from the era of King David equate to ownership of the land? 3) Why are the Arabs making claim to the land of Israel?  

The Right of Israel to Her Lands

July 14, 2017 03:00 - 32 minutes - 28.4 MB

The news has been chock full of conversation concerning Israel and her land. Many groups, terrorist-based and Jew-hating groups, are making bold and unrealistic claims to the land that Israel has been promised by G-d and has hard fought and won for her people. Israel has been willing to work with these groups, but the end request by the Palenstine Leaders and Hamas (a known terror group commiting crimes against humanity day by day) is that Israel be "pushed into the sea until every Jew is dea...

Question and Answers with Rabbi Hilbrant

June 30, 2017 03:00 - 33 minutes - 29.6 MB

This episode, Rabbi Hilbrant will be answering viewer submitted questions covering a wide range of topics, including understanding Torah against today's challenges of morality.  Join Rabbi for a promising thought-provoking show


June 18, 2017 02:30 - 16 minutes - 14 MB

Negaticity spreads like a wind-driven wildfire through our souls.  We catch it from negative people that have a consciouness of negative thought and feelings.  Many times, these people are right in our camp, spreading their message of unhappiness and dismay with their own life and experiences. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier of Restoring Grace as he discusses the "Mixed Multitude" that joined with Israel during the Exodus and how they later had major impact in Israel's journey through t...

Jewish-Christian Relations-How to Learn to Get Along...

May 26, 2017 03:00 - 32 minutes - 28.6 MB


Zohar in 15-Three Ways we Hurt Ourselves

May 23, 2017 13:30 - 24 minutes - 21.9 MB

Life can be a challenge, with constant turns, ups and downs, twists and turns. Some of the challenges in life happen to us, and we must learn how to deal with them. Other times, we create situations in our life that could be avoided.  This episode will lay out three simple and obvious points that we can help improve our lives, reduce stress and reveal the most Light on our spiritual journey. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teaches on Three Ways We Hurt Ourselves!!

Why are the Jews Blamed for Everything-Rabbi Hilbrant

May 18, 2017 03:00 - 32 minutes - 28.9 MB

Rabbi Hilbrant asks the question: Wht are the Jews Blamed for Everything? Throughout their history, the Jewish people have been prosperous wherever thet have traveled. Now securely living in their own land, Israel and the Jewish People face constant challenges over their right to their own land, the issues facing the Middle East and many other problems. Join Rabbi Hilbrant tonight as he discusses how this came to be and how the future will bear out the truth

Zohar in 15-The Path to Transformation

May 15, 2017 03:00 - 26 minutes - 23.4 MB

With all the talk about "transforming" and "starting" on the spiritual path, how are we supposed to get the proccess going? Good Question!!! Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he explains a six-step process designed to get the journey started. David says, "While we must consider there are many ways to get spiritually underway, these six steps will help you start the dialogue. Take the ones that work and run with them.

Zohar in 15-Working With God

May 09, 2017 14:00 - 16 minutes - 14.1 MB

How can we gain "affinity" with the Light of the Creator? Many of the amazing miracles and events recorded in the Bible are stories of people who have allowed the power and wisdom of God to work through them.  God states clearly through the Bible that He has plans for us, a loving plan for our lives and a future hope.  People often act like God is their "spiritual employer" instead of engaging Him. God, in His highest wisdom, has an adventure for all of us to participate in, one that will hel...

Rabbi Hilbrant Question/Answer Part Three

May 04, 2017 01:30 - 32 minutes - 29.2 MB

Join Restoring Grace Radio for Week Three of our interview series with Rabbi Hilbrant.  Over the course of the last three weeks, we have been responding to listener sent questions for Rabbi to answer.  If you haven't listened to the other two broadcasts, you shouls give them a run.  Listen in for our conclusion to our series with Rabbi Hilbrant

Zohar in 15- Having Awe and Anticipation for God

April 28, 2017 03:00 - 17 minutes - 15.5 MB

Zohar in 15-Do you have an awe for God? Do you wake up in the morning awaiting to see what adventures Hashem has for you? Is your religious experience getting dry, pre-recorded and uneventful?  We need to WAKE UP and see that God has a much more fulfilling plan for each of us. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he explores the ancient text of the Zohar for modern clues on how we can experience God daily.

Restoring Grace Interview of Rabbi Hilbrant (Part Two)

April 27, 2017 03:00 - 31 minutes - 28.3 MB

Special Show!! Join David Fournier as he interviews long time mentor and teacher Rabbi Hilbrant.  Rabbi will be peppered by David with a few thought-provoking questions and as usual, Rabbi will have some solid and often times hard to hear answers. These two men go back a long way and have shared some interesting times together.  The show will cover some serious topics and answer a few questions about Judaism in the 21st Century.  (This is Part Two of a previous episode)        

Restoring Grace Interview with Rabbi Joseph Hilbrant

April 20, 2017 01:30 - 32 minutes - 28.7 MB

Special Show!! Join David Fournier as he interviews long time mentor and teacher Rabbi Hilbrant.  Rabbi will be peppered by David with a few thought-provoking questions and as usual, Rabbi will have some solid and often times hard to hear answers. These two men go back a long way and have shared some interesting times together.  The show will cover some serious topics and answer a few questions about Judaism in the 21st Century.

The Promised Land of Israel Part Two

April 06, 2017 01:30 - 31 minutes - 27.7 MB

There is a lot of discussion about the Land of Israel, with many groups claiming authority and ownership of the land.  Who does this land belong to and why? Does the Bible, combined with Judaism and Rabbinic understanding have an explanation for the true ownership of the Land of Israel? This is Part Two of Rabbi Hilbrant's study on this subject.

Three Steps to Growing in Grace and Transformation

April 03, 2017 02:30 - 16 minutes - 13.8 MB

In the Wisdom writing of Ecclesiastes, we find the instruction of Solomon to the younger generation of how to add value and enjoyment to our lives.  In our section, Solomon gives us Three "R"s to create an environment of peace and growth.  This episode will address making time to be with God, working on our anger and keeping our hearts clean and celebrating the life we have that the Creator has placed us in. Join Senior Intstructor David Fournier of Restoring Grace for a 15 minute study

The Promised Land of Israel Part One

March 30, 2017 02:00 - 30 minutes - 27.4 MB

The Land of Israel, who does it really belong to? For centuries, the debate over the Land of Israel rages on, even going as far as the United Nations attempting to rule on the matter.  Join Rabbi Hilbrant as his presents his arguments on this very heated and difficult subject. This is Part One of a series of Two.

Bringing Jesus Back

March 26, 2017 02:30 - 30 minutes - 27.4 MB

From the early stages of the Christian faith, opponents claimed the faith was wrought with divisions and chasms of belief.  This longstanding series of divisions have clouded the picture that the Church presents about Jesus.  Much of the ideas and teachings of Jesus are couched in a Hellinized/Roman type of thought, taking Jesus out of His setting in Israel, His Jewishness and His understanding of His message and ministry against that Jewish backdrop. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier fr...

The Law and the Oral Tradition

March 23, 2017 01:30 - 16 minutes - 13.8 MB

Join Rabbi Hilbrant as he teaches on The Law and the Oral Tradition.  The Law and The Commandments, given at Mt. Sinai provide the backbone of Judaism. The Oral Tradition is the "How-To" of Judaism, how the Law is to be obeyed and how it is to be maintained

Four Anti-Solutions- How We Can Get Back to the Mission God Has Called Us To..

March 21, 2017 03:00 - 30 minutes - 27.3 MB

?What mission does God have for us? What does Hashem want us to join Him in accomplishing here on Earth? Are we sometimes getting in the way? Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teaches in Four Anti-Solutions,,, blockages that we place in our way to moving forward into the path God has called us.

Understanding Orthodox Notzrim Judaism

March 16, 2017 01:30 - 17 minutes - 14.7 MB

Listen in on Rabbi Hilbrant as he teaches on the practice of Orthodox Notzrim Judaism, what it is not and truly what it is. Rabbi will explain how Orthodox Notzrim Judaism sees Yeshua of Nazareth as the embodiement of the Messiah and how through this Jewish practice, one can maintain their Jewish faith and see Yeshua as Messiah.

The Truth about Messiah-Why 21st Century Christianity's Jesus is Under Attack

February 20, 2015 04:00 - 34 minutes - 30.9 MB

Perhaps now more than ever, the Historical Jesus is under attack, both from outside the Christian Faith and inside.  The current picture of Jesus in the Church has fragmented His idenity and caused the current wave of "Mythicism" to gain popularity.  Join both Rabbi Hilbrant and David Fournier as they cover this mystery from both the historical and Hebriac perspectives

Die on Empty-Measuring Your Contribution

March 24, 2014 03:00 - 16 minutes - 3.58 MB

Overall, people tend to pay more attention to the lives of others than being concerned with their personal contribution to this life.  We really don't have all the time in the world to figure it out, so tonight we will focus on maximizing our contributions and making them last Join Senior Instructor David Fournier from Restoring Grace as he presents opportunities for measurable growth in our contributions

Die on Empty-Intro Class-How to Live Full, not Be Full of Yourself

March 17, 2014 03:00 - 16 minutes - 3.64 MB

Die On Empty-Fullfill your destiny of assisting God in the Repairing of the World.  They say you can't take it with you, truth is, as a Christian following the teaching traditions of Jesus, you wouldn't want to. Join Senior Insructor David Fournier of Restoring Grace on this six-week series of giving it all.

Zohar in 15- Keeping our Contributions Alive

February 03, 2014 04:00 - 15 minutes - 3.43 MB

From the Torah portion "Trumah", comes this amazing lesson about our contributions and how they live on past our own lifetimes.  Who we learn from, spend time with, has a huge impact on how we will contribute to others.. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier from Restoring Grace and he brings back this long awaited radio session.. The Zohar in 15!!

Answering the Tough Questions: Law versus Grace

December 16, 2013 04:30 - 31 minutes - 6.92 MB

Join Rabbi Marshall as he discusses the tough questions about the ongoing "Law versus Grace" debate and how the Jewishness of Jesus should affect our understanding of Him...

Restoring Grace Radio-Remaking Church so Jesus Can Attend

October 15, 2013 03:30 - 30 minutes - 6.85 MB

Today's church environment is far off the New Testament direction of a healthy and vibrant faith community.  Jesus would not recognize what we are doing in light of the commands He gave us to carry. Join Senior Insrtuctor David Fournier on this series of thought provoking discussions and practical solutions for re-engaging our service to look like what Jesus had in mind

Zohar in 15-Looking Behind the Stories

July 18, 2013 03:30 - 20 minutes - 4.47 MB

The Bible is full of stories, but the stories are not the end, they are the beginning.  Learning to really study and understand the Scriptures is a valuable tool for all students on the Bible.  This lesson will provide three practical steps for ensuring you are getting the most out of your study times Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teaches on these three perspectives and how to grow into a good student on the Scriptures.

Finding Jesus in the Midst of Christianity

July 07, 2013 13:00 - 29 minutes - 6.52 MB

I think I understand when people say they have "found" Jesus.  He has been missing from the Christian Faith for quite a while. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he hits a five-point framework on getting engaged and increasing our understanding of Jesus, history's most misunderstood person.

Zohar in 15- Connecting through Our Actions

June 30, 2013 13:00 - 16 minutes - 3.48 MB

Reading Scripture and following the commands of Jesus are designed to bring us closer to Him, not to a string of belief systems. We can see and feel our connection when we realize the importance of our actions. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he presents ways to be  powerfully and actively connected.  We don't need to get "re-charged" on Sunday if we live it during the week.

Zohar in 15- True Study-Destination Unknown

June 17, 2013 03:00 - 16 minutes - 3.49 MB

There is a major difference between a Teacher and an Influencer.  Today we have many people teaching based on ageda or with a destination in mind.  Most church goers do not have the skill set to be able to define correct teaching from incorrect teachings. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teaches this segment on studying to go where God wants your study to go. (This segment was originally supposed to air at 7:00am this date)

Zohar in 15- Knowing a "Way" from The Path

June 09, 2013 13:00 - 16 minutes - 3.55 MB

Many spiritual leaders claim to know the way.  The claim to know the way to heaven, untold riches and prosperity, even a way to endless wisdom.  The Scriptures have much to say on this subject Join Senior Instrcutor David Fournier as he teaches on implementing your purpose and consciousness in seeing the clear direction of your path.

Restoring Grace Radio-Navigating the Path

June 02, 2013 12:30 - 31 minutes - 6.87 MB

How do we really grow spiritually? Is visiting the "be kind to God hour" every Sunday work?  Join Senior Instructor David Fournier for this proactive and hard hitting look at the work it takes to grow. Below is the session outline for you to follow along with.  This lesson will include valuable and thought-provoking ideas on connecting and staying connected to God through practices that are Scriptural and proven. Here are the outline points:   1)      Understand that there are two natures, t...

Zohar in 15- Striving to Know the Master

May 26, 2013 13:00 - 16 minutes - 3.45 MB

For many people on a spiritual journey, they are striving to be known instead of striving to know the Master of the Universe.  Scritpure and the Zohar have much to say about how we can know the will and desires of the Master (God) and how this can lead to a more fulfilling and rewarding spiritual life. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teaches on getting connected to God by striving to know Him better    

Zohar in 15- Out of the Darkness

May 19, 2013 13:00 - 16 minutes - 3.44 MB

The Zohar's volumes are packed with the concept of Light and Darkness.  The Scriptures talk about Light and Darkness from the begining of the canon until the very last book. We often act like "darkness" is some foreign enemy we fight by how we vote, who we hang around and what petitons we sign.  The truth is darkness is what resides within us and our study of the Zohar portion will bring up the conversation that God gets His greatest glory not by what we stand against, but by the darkness w...

Zohar in 15-That They Bring Me an Offering

May 12, 2013 13:00 - 16 minutes - 3.45 MB

The Old Testament documents tell us of a Taberncale and a Temple constructed to specific standards given to Israel by God.  What was the purpose of the specific instructions?  Is there a message for us in this?  How can we stay connected to God through a Divine Appointment? Join Senior Instructor David Fournier of Restoring Grace as he teaches on the purpose of the Tabernacle/Temple and how it applies to us today  


The New Testament
1 Episode