Centre for Hebraic Insights artwork

Centre for Hebraic Insights

363 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 3 years ago -

The Centre for Hebraic Insights teaches classes and seminars on the following subjects:
Shadows of the Messiah (How Jesus/Yeshua can be seen through the Old Testament documents as the foreshadowing of the Messiah
Early Christian Communities- (An in-depth look at the people, places and documents that started the conversations about Christianity and its earliest beliefs and practices. Also included is the Canonization Process of the New Testament documents, how they came into being seen as "apostolic" and what books were eliminated out contention and why
Kabbalah 101-An introductory series on Kabbalah and the Jewish Mysticism behind it. The material covers a very practical version of Kabbalah, that will give the participant simple practices and tools to become more centered on a flourishing spiritual existence.
These are just the main core classes available-for further descriptions and preparing a program based on your unique interests and needs, contact us at [email protected] or call Dr. David Fournier at 719-309-8311 See Less

Spirituality Religion & Spirituality christianity judaism kabbalah zohar jesus bible israel
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A Candid Conversation-Addressing Sexual Assault, Sexual Crimes, Shaming Victims,

January 15, 2020 03:30 - 47 minutes - 42.6 MB

Restoring Grace Radio is hosting this series to cover a very tough and important social topic.. We live in a culture that is clueless to the suffering and victimization of women in the area of sexual abuse, assault and discrimination..we will be hosting a series to address this and many other difficult issues surrounding sexual based crimes, intimidation and shaming of victims...Why? #itsmyfight Rebecca Cooper-Bio 17 years work experience in the criminal justice system, retired Major Crimes...

Current World Affairs-The Tolerance of Hate, Violence and RacismHate

January 10, 2020 04:00 - 46 minutes - 42 MB

The world, the Unitedd States, our cities and towns, social media.... are simply ablaze... The hate, the endless critical statements, the out and out lies, the violence, it seems that the world is ready to implode.  But if there are a people who have survived such times as these... it is th Jewish People, The People of the Book... Join Rabbi Hilbrant as he teaches on what all this increase means, and how the tide of evil can be turned back

Be an Agent of Change-Transform Your World-

January 08, 2020 04:00 - 28 minutes - 25.6 MB

So much talk about change-needed change-so very little true sacrifce to make change happen. Social justice is canon fodder-political naysaying and blaming-while the answers are readily available.  Change-meaningful change-happens when we shift from body consciousness (fulfiing our personal desires) to soul consciousness (concern for the benefit of others).. We can start today-right now-making this world the one God wants it to be. More to the point, a world that will prompt the return of Mess...

Rejoice, Remove and Remember-A Path to Moving Forward

December 31, 2019 15:00 - 24 minutes - 21.7 MB

There is process, a path so to speak, that will help guide us to the best version of what God has intended us to be.  Getting there is not about "self-discovery" or "self-improvement", it is about Sharing for the Sake of Others. As we perform our Tikkun (Correction) we are to help others along their way, to assist them in their Tikkun.  Solomon tells us about three ways to keep on the path, and we will be exploring that path in this episode. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier from Restorin...

Torah Treasures with Rabbi Hilbrant-Jacob and the Angel

December 15, 2019 04:30 - 31 minutes - 28.4 MB

.Please join us this Thursday December 12th, on Blog Talk Radio at 8:00 pm PST as our Show "Repairing the World" will air with talk Show Host Dr. David Fournier and returning guest speaker Rabbi. Joseph Hilbrant. This weeks show is on the Parashat "Vayishlach", (and he sent) Genesis 32:3-36:43.  We will address two important points, Jacobs struggle with the Angel, and Jacob confronting his Brother Esau !  Please join us and listen to our program, Shalom...

Zohar in 15-True Study-Destination Unknown

December 13, 2019 04:00 - 20 minutes - 18.1 MB

There is a big difference between Influencers and Teachers... Influencers today are a huge part of information, and with the social media age upon us, there is a free forum for ideas, thoughts an trainings.  The problem is that Inlfuencers sell their influence (and their wares) and then leave the person to muddle through it... Teachers, trained and tested in their repsective faith traditons-teach the student and walk the student through the process... there is learning and there is pointing.....

Torah Treasures-The Certain Place-

December 06, 2019 04:00 - 32 minutes - 28.8 MB

When Jacob came to a "certain place", he begins to dream about ladders reaching into the heavens... The Lord appears to Jacob and makes him a grea promise, a promise that affects all of our lives and the very future on the world-The Promise of the People of Israel and the Messiah!!  Join Rabbi Hilbrant as he teaches on this power, and often misunderstood, portion of Torah.

Zohar in 15-Feeding the Hungry Dog...

November 30, 2019 04:00 - 19 minutes - 16.8 MB

We often talk of peacein the world, peace and the end of war.  It will never be an easy solution, but sometimes if we break things donw and attempt the solve the pieces we can, solutions can begin to work.  Is blessing our enemies a thing? Did the Torah mean it? Did the Law and Prophets mean it?  Did Jesus mean it?  Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he explores f blessing the enemy... 

Torah Portion Chayei Sara-The Impact of Abraham and Sara

November 24, 2019 04:00 - 2 minutes - 1.49 MB

The Torah Portion for this episode is a called "Chayei Sara"...Abraham and Sarah are one of the first husband-wife teams to make an impact for Hashem.  Just as Adam and Eve caused great division among humanity, Abraham and Sarah begin the pathway to Torah and the Prophets, returning mankind to having a peaceful existence within reach. 

Zohar in 15-Overcoming Judgment with Kindness

November 21, 2019 21:00 - 19 minutes - 16.7 MB

Hashe, in His excellent wisdom, sends us opportunities to be kind, extend help, love and assistance every day. How we react to these opportunities can be part of how judgment befalls us.  Think of it like a scale that balances with the good and bad reactions in our life.  Our story starts with Abraham, who at a physically painful moment of his life, chooses kindness over selfishness. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teaches on this Zohar passage

Torah Portion Parashat Yayera-

November 17, 2019 04:00 - 33 minutes - 30 MB

Learning Torah from a master-teacher is an awesome experience and here Rabbi Hilbrant continues his Torah teaching series.  Make sure to give it a listen along with the many other episodes he has done on Torah

Four Anti-Solutions How to Fail in Moving Forward in Spiritual Growth

November 13, 2019 04:00 - 25 minutes - 22.6 MB

There is a lot of talk about "spiritual growth" developing "spiritual consciousness" and "spiritua energy", but for the most part, it is just talk.  Growing and maturing takes work and effort.  Along with that, there are several practices to avoid. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teached on Four-Anti Solutions.. things that simply hinder our growth and ability to reach out to those around us

Lech Lecha-You Go Out

November 09, 2019 04:00 - 30 minutes - 27 MB

Torah portion Lech Lecha is known for its famous statement-Go Forth!! This is the very beginning of the journey for the Children of Abraham to their ultimate fulfillment-The Israel of God!  Join Rabbi Hilbrant as he teaches on this important and powerful Torah Portion

Rabbi Hilbrant of Torah Treasure Series

September 20, 2019 03:00 - 34 minutes - 30.5 MB

Rabbi is continuing his series of Torah Portion Lessons

Torah Treasure Series-Rabbi Hilbrant

August 30, 2019 03:00 - 31 minutes - 28 MB

Rabbi Hilbrant will continue his discussion on his Torah Treasure series..

The Not So Secret Message of Jesus....

August 26, 2019 02:30 - 29 minutes - 26.3 MB

There seems to be a lot of discussion about "The Secret Teachings of Jesus" and "Redacting Jesus"..and more to the point, teachers and leaders are selling these classes/seminars... The fact is, knowing what Jesus taught,, how he saw his world and the World to Come, is not a secret.  during this series, we will learn about.. Jesus in His Jewish environment Jesus and His teachings Jesus and how His teachings have been lost on modern views and politics How did Jesus become to be known as God...

Torah Treasures-Repairing the World through Deep Learning of Torah

August 23, 2019 03:00 - 31 minutes - 27.9 MB

The Torah is the guiding and teaching Light of Judaism. While fads and pandering captivate the world, the Torah stands strong in its commitment to helping mankind find its purpose-its hope and in the end-its Messiah...join Rabbi Hilbrant as he discusses the wisdom he has learned and taught over the many years of his life

Rabbi's Introduction to the Book of Devarim (Deuteronomy)

August 09, 2019 03:30 - 31 minutes - 27.7 MB

This week we will cover an introduction of the Torah Book "Devarim", Deuteronomy, and grapple with its structure and deep sayings, please join us. just call in on this number; 646-564-9564 three or four minutes before the show begins and then just wait and just enjoy the show. Blessings, Rabbi. Joseph Hilbrant

Torah Portion "Masei" which means Journeys,,,

August 02, 2019 03:00 - 31 minutes - 27.7 MB

Join Rabbi Hilbrant on tonight's Torah Portion Masei (Journeys). This portion is associated with the segments of the Journey out of Egypt to the eventual goal of the Land of Israel.  The parsha teaches us not just about the journey, but the 42 (a very important number in Judaism) stages or steps they made along the way.    

Open Mic Night- Rabbi Discusses Topics on His Mind-

July 26, 2019 03:00 - 39 minutes - 35.6 MB

Rabbi Hilbrant will discuss the events surrounding the recent British Prime Minister election and how the State of Israel is moving forward in its many exciting and humanitarian offerings. 

The Korach Rebellion-

July 12, 2019 03:30 - 33 minutes - 29.7 MB

During Israel's march to the Promised Land, the challenges were great.  Rumbling against leadership is at all levels of life, the workplace, our homes, our spiritual walks. Korach led an open rebellion against Moses, gathering up supporters and leading them against Moses. How Moses responds to this challenge is a lesson for leaders everywhere. Join Rabbi Hilbrant as he teaches on this important leadership development

Four Certainties that Jesus Taught

July 10, 2019 03:00 - 19 minutes - 17.1 MB

What did Jesus teach and where are we now? How did Jesus and the Christian Faith become a third-party political wing?  Did Jesus understand that His teachings would stand the test of time? Yes, He did... Christianity has jettisoned the teachings of Jesus that collide or contradict their current political landscape to the point that Christian conduct and speech is becoming bad sound bites on the news... If they will know we are Christians by our love for each other-how do we stand up today?  ...

Zohar in 15- As it is Below-It is Above

June 19, 2019 03:00 - 25 minutes - 22.7 MB

Most people passively go through life-asking the wrong questions-seemingly unaware of the beauty and possbilities around them everyday.  They experience an unfocused sense of emptiness.  There is a teaching in Kabbalah that explains our actions as "connected" to the Upper Worlds, in a sense, creating opportunities and memories here during our lifetimes. We think we are doing so much here, when in fact, we are missing so much. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teaches on the connecti...

Following the Process-Working through your Correction

June 12, 2019 03:00 - 19 minutes - 17 MB

Everyone wants to go th heaven, no one wants to die.  It takes work in our lives to perform our correction (Tikkun) People simply want Jesus to do it all for them.. without going through the process it takes.. and we will see in this episode that even Jesus-God's chosen Messiah-went through the process for us.  Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teaches on the Path to Correction

Zohar in 15-Out of the Darkness

June 10, 2019 03:00 - 29 minutes - 26.5 MB

Darkness in the soul, in love and in people is everywhere.  The purpose of Tikkun (correction) of our souls is to push out the darkness and begin to be agents of sharing the Light.  Jesus Himself made the claim that His followers were the "Light of the World" and he stated that "men prefer darkness rather than Light" because of their actions.  Join Senior Intructor David Fournier as he teaches on coming out of darkness...

Torah Portion Bechukotai-In My Statutes

May 31, 2019 03:00 - 31 minutes - 27.8 MB

Understanding Torah is understanding connecting with Hashem. Rabbi Hilbrant will continue his series on the Torah portions and how they apply to true worship of God

Kabbalah 101-A World of Questions

May 23, 2019 03:00 - 31 minutes - 27.8 MB

We need answers.. Because what we are doing, preaching and practicing is doing very little to with correcting the world. Religion is primarily concerned with its own survival. People are searching for more depth, more ways to grow and help those around them. Join Senior Intrsuctor David Fournier as he begins the conversation about connecting with God at the soul level-working hard on ourselves and our own Tikkun (correction) for the benefit of others

Torag Treasures- A Study on Portion "Emor"

May 17, 2019 03:00 - 32 minutes - 28.6 MB

Rabbi will be discussing Torah Portion "Emor" (To Speak) the 31st portion since the New Year and the Eight in the Book of Leviticus... Holiness and Clean living are a major focus and understanding the importance of "appointed times" and "authorized worship...

Zohar in 15-Trusting the Process

May 16, 2019 03:00 - 21 minutes - 18.9 MB

Everyone desires Spiritual Growth, they call for deep spiritual lessons-but it takes the investment of time and work to grow into our perfected self.  There are two primary drivers-they are both based in desire-that move us forward-and learning how to follow them and understand what God means by Holiness-is our lesson for this episode. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier from Restoring Grace for this vital lesso

Understanding Holiness-The Lesson of Life

May 10, 2019 03:00 - 34 minutes - 30.2 MB

For many people, there is little difference between righteousness and holiness.  But in Judaism, the Torah, th Law and the Prophets.. there is a large difference.  This episode will contain teachings from Rabbi Hilbrant on understanding the difference and the correct practice of Holiness

Zohar in 15-The Work of Correcting Your Soul

April 30, 2019 03:00 - 16 minutes - 14.1 MB

Moat people believe that they are here to assist others into converting to their religion. Kabbalah (Through the Zohar, Rabbis and Sages) teaches that we are here to perfect our souls, the gem that Hashem shared with us without cost.  Our Tikkun (correction) and the path to achieve it will be the lesson for this episode.  Your soul is a unique DNA strand that only you possess, and through hard work and effort, you can assist your soul in correction and assisting others along their way. Join S...

The Eight Levels of Charity/Giving...

April 26, 2019 03:00 - 31 minutes - 27.6 MB

In the teachings of the Rabbis and Sages, there are eight levels of giving (charity) in Judaism. All of the levels, from the least to the greatest, all matter in Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World) Join Rabbi Hilbrant as he teaches on the different levels of giving and how giving can be an expression of love and commitment to Hashem!!! 

Zohar in 15-Finding and Developing Your Self Worth

April 25, 2019 03:00 - 19 minutes - 17.1 MB

Many books have been written, seminars attended, documentaries and TV shows about self-worth. Oddly, it has been addressed throughout the ages by Kabbalistic Masters and the Torah for thousands of years.  There is no "feeling good about doing bad"... it does not work.  There is a unique code implanted into each of our souls-our "songsheet" so to speak.  The Creator placed that code there-so that we each sing our part of the Great Divine Musical, bringing on the value and correction of the Wor...

Passover Explained-Rabbi Hilbrant addresses the Passover Celebration

April 19, 2019 03:00 - 32 minutes - 29 MB

The well known celebration of Passover is upon us. With all it's mysteries and seemingly endless connections to Christian theology, Rabbi Hilbrant will explain Passover from a purely Jewish understanding, highlighting the meaning and practive of Passover on Jews and Judaism. Join Rabbi for a time of teaching and learning

Zohar in 15-The Missing Link

April 18, 2019 03:00 - 18 minutes - 16.4 MB

We spend Sunday after Sunday pumping the crowds for getting "power" and "manifestation" from God, the whole missing the point. All the energy we will ever need is already stored in Heaven. Kabbalists call this "Concealed Light"... But accessing it is not about special words or a special dance. It is about connecting with God on His mission of Tikkun Olam, Repairng the World.  When we ask for ourselves, and don't see immediate results, we blame our lack of faith. But the possibility is we have...

Zohar in 15-The Power of Your Words-

April 11, 2019 03:00 - 17 minutes - 14.9 MB

With all the talk about calling things into existence, there is a degree of truth to it.  Our words "create" the environment we live in and "impact" the environment of others.  Getting rid of our Evil Speech and keeping our mind and words clean is one of the best ways to connect to the Light of the Creator and work towards the "perfected spul" we are all here to bring about-to perfom our Tikkun (correction) and become close with God!!

Sickness, Death and Gossip-A Rabbis Perspective

April 05, 2019 03:00 - 36 minutes - 32.6 MB

Rabbi will discuss this weeks Torah portion and the power if Evil Speech

Zohar in 15-As It Above-It Is Below!!

March 31, 2019 02:00 - 16 minutes - 14.1 MB

There is a lot of talk in faith practice circles about "calling down power" and "creating your miracle/breakthrough", but is it real? Do our actions here on earth stir activity in the heavens? It is taught, pumped up and preached from our pulpits, but is it practiced and understood as God has instructed? Join Senior Instructor David Fournier from Restoring Grace to learn more about this subject

Israel Update!!! Rabbi Will Discuss the Current Affairs in Israel

March 29, 2019 03:00 - 32 minutes - 28.5 MB

Israel is under attack on Her Home Soil and the World Leaders do not think She should protect Herself.  Join Rabbi Hilbrant as he talks about current affairs in Israel and how Israel must stand against any and all agressions 

Has the World Gone Mad?

March 22, 2019 03:00 - 36 minutes - 32.1 MB

The recent media and news coverages of events are full of cinfusion, false allegations, bias reporting and complete nonsense.  Some of our newly elected officials are leading the pack with their remarks.  New and Improved is not all it is cracked up to be and we are close approaching a time when the values and stability we have worked hard to protect is fading away.  Join Rabbi and David as they discuss why holding the line, being consistent and obediant to God's instructions is timely and wi...

Defining Love-How can the God of Christianity be Seen as a God of Love

March 07, 2019 04:00 - 46 minutes - 41.2 MB

Scott Stokely would like to know... he wants to reconcile in his mind... How the concept of Love can be attributed to the God of Christianity, based on the accounts read in the Biblical documents..

The Midrash... Ancient Teachings and Texts of the Rabbi and Sages

March 01, 2019 04:00 - 45 minutes - 40.9 MB

The Midrash is a collection of wisdom sayings, teaching and discussions on Judaism.  These writings are handed down from the Rabbis and Sages of old, with ongoing commentary happening in Yeshivas and Synagogues around the world.  Rabbi Hilbrant will teach on the Midrash and its effect on modern Judaism

The Oral Tradition and Teachings as Handed Down by the Rabbis and Sages

February 22, 2019 04:00 - 33 minutes - 29.6 MB

The Rabbis and Sages for thousands of years have been the conduit for teaching and passing on the Oral Traditions of Judaism.  Rabbi will discuss the importance of their efforts and how they labored to keep the traditions alive and pure.

Passing Down the Jewish Faith Practice and Traditions

February 18, 2019 04:00 - 35 minutes - 31.2 MB

For thousands of years, the mystery of the Jewish faith has been preserved through the passing down of the Oral Tradition.  Each of the Rabbis of Aged contributed to the traditions, training their students to pass down the teachings with extreme precision. Join Rabbi Hilbrant as he teaches on how these traditions survived and flourished.  

Can We Trust the Religious Documents to be Historical and "Inspired"

February 17, 2019 03:30 - 57 minutes - 51.5 MB

For many people, the sacres texts of their faith practice are God inspired and unchangable.  For many others, they are fictional writings used to condem the lifestyles of others, prove the "truth" of their beliefs and deny the possibility of other religious claims. Join Scott and David as they discuss what we can know and how to deal with the religious documents

The Oral Tradition Explained

February 08, 2019 04:00 - 33 minutes - 30.2 MB

Jewish Oral Traditions (ongoing verbal teachings of the Rabbis and Sages) has been greatly misunderstood and many conflicts have happened between Christians and Jews about the purpose of the Oral Law.   Rabbi will delve into deeper waters on this subject and offer evidence for the great need of the Oral Traditions in order to preserve a fresh and yet consistent version of Judaism.

How do you Really Make America Great Again?? Scott and Dave Chime in..

January 31, 2019 03:30 - 55 minutes - 50 MB

For the first time ever, Scott and Dave are going to talk politics... What could go wrong? There has been this overarching theme about "Make America Great Again' being broadcasted by the incoming/ongoing presidential office, but is America convinced that the current agenda will really accomplish its lofty goal? David Fournier says no way in hell. We will discuss what we see as "weapons of mass-distraction" and how we can, as the true power of America, help realize the dream of America for all

Jewish World View-How the Lens of Judaism Effects its Teaching and Living

January 25, 2019 04:00 - 31 minutes - 28.1 MB

Judaism (unlike its coutnerpart religions) is not a bolt on religious practice, that wraps itself around a persons current lifestyle. Judaism in intergral to the lifestyle of the adherent, often citing the Torah and the teachings of the Rabbis and Sages to settle disputes, correct wrong behavior and set a standard and code for moral living.  Join Rabbi Hilbrant as he teaches this subject as an ongoing series...

Morality Meter-Part Two-An Atheist take on Morality

January 24, 2019 03:30 - 52 minutes - 47.1 MB

In Part One of the Morality Meter Episode, Scott asked David to explain some difficult questions concerning morality, the abuse of religion in morality and moral rules, and how to reconcile faith to a moral line of thinking.  This episode, David has asked his present and former students to gather questions for Scott, such as what is the moral "barometer" does an atheist use for morality? This episode will help us all understand differing points of view and how we see morality from differing w...

The Sacred Name(s) of G-d and the importance of Reverance

January 18, 2019 04:00 - 30 minutes - 27.2 MB

When the Name of G-d is spoken in most churches and religious events, it is said much like adrressing any other name. What if there is a specific way to address G-d? What if there was power attached to different types of sacred names of G-d? Join Rabbi Hilbrant as he dives into these and many other subjects on the name(s) of G-d


The New Testament
1 Episode