Confidence is a choice! In today’s episode, your host Meagan Fitzgerald dives into why your mindset is the most important factor in your success. She talks about her journey to becoming a life coach and shares tips on how to become your own biggest fan. 

Meagan explains that we are often our own worst critics. She shares her own struggles with learning to love her body and provides tips that helped her have a healthier relationship with her body. Meagan emphasizes that being confident is a decision that doesn’t require you to lose weight or look a certain way. She guides her coaching clients to healthier and happier lives by exposing their thought errors and challenging them to change their mindsets. 

Tune into this week’s episode of Resting Bliss Face with your host Meagan Fitzgerald to learn how to approach your life with less judgment and more gratitude. Make the decision today to be a more confident you!



• “Every year we grow as humans and I’ve been challenging myself big time.” (2:19-2:25)

• “Oh my god this is the missing piece. This is what everybody needs to hear. It’s not about whether you eliminate carbs or how many grams of protein you have or how much you can lift: It’s about your mindset that will help you achieve those things. You can give somebody the perfect prescription protocol to reach their goals, lose the weight or whatever it is, but if their mindset isn’t right, it’s not going to happen.” (6:28-6:52)

• “I work deep to get to the why and the how of what people think. My job is just to show my clients their brains. I take out what is called a thought error. So it’s like ‘I gained 5 pounds, so I just need to lose the weight.’ That in and of itself is a thought error. You gained 5 pounds, you don’t need to lose the weight. It’s not a fact. You don’t have to. It’s a choice. I help people realize, first of all, it’s a choice.” (7:53-8:36) 

• “You can feel confident at any size or shape. It is a decision.” (9:10-9:16)

• “Once you drop the drama and stop talking so much shit to yourself and you start to be your biggest fan, you just start to be neutral…I challenge you to look at yourself and say something neutral. ‘I have a body,’ is pretty much as neutral as it gets. ‘I’m grateful for my body,’ is a step up from that. ‘Thank you body.’ Next could be like ‘Eh looking pretty good.’” (13:00-13:38) 



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