It's about the journey, not the destination! In today’s episode, your host Meagan Fitzgerald deconstructs the often flawed concept of New Year's resolutions. She explains the issues with the weight loss industry and having a destination mindset. Meagan shares her tips on changing the way you approach your New Year's goals.

Meagan emphasizes that you cannot root your goals in self-loathing and expect to feel good about yourself in the long term. She explains how you will benefit from reframing your mindset to focus on the journey rather than the destination of your resolutions. Meagan discusses the issues with dieting and certain weight loss programs that prey on people's New Year’s resolutions. She encourages her listeners to remember to thank your body! 

Tune into this week’s episode of Resting Bliss Face with your host Meagan Fitzgerald to learn how to tackle your New Year’s resolutions positively and constructively. Leave your destination goals behind and start enjoying your feel-good journey!



• “I want to talk about destination, especially when it comes to losing weight. The destination goal is when you anticipate hating the entire journey. You cannot be miserable the entire time then just expect your brain to switch from miserable and hating yourself, to beating yourself up, to confident and full of gratitude like a light switch. It doesn’t work like that.” (7:30-8:30) 

• “A weight loss program can work, but it has to be built on a foundation of self-acceptance, not hatred, not shame, not shit-talking.” (8:46-8:54) 

• “You can’t hate yourself and talk shit to yourself all the way into smaller jeans and then just expect your brain to switch. You can’t take a negative emotion and a negative vibe and expect to create a positive result.” (10:00-10:20)

• “The only thing that will create lasting change is your mindset.” (10:45-10:50)

• “I want you to work on your journey goal, not your destination goal.” (14:18-14:22)



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