Stop listening to the toxic stories society feeds us day in and day out! In today's episode, your host Meagan Fitzgerald dives into three toxic topics we give way too much power to. She talks about her own experiences with toxic stories, how they have held her back in her life, and shares wisdom on how you can break free from them!

Meagan shares her thoughts about the toxic stories we are fed surrounding weight loss, especially after pregnancy, financial stressors, and the unhealthy assumption that we need to enjoy every moment of our lives. She encourages you to change the story for yourself because if you feed into these toxic stories, you will soon be consumed by them. Stop telling yourself “I’m broke” or “I’m fat" or “If I don’t enjoy parenting 100% of the time, I’m a bad mom.” These are the toxic thoughts that will hold you back from living your life! 

Tune into this week’s episode of Resting Bliss Face with your host Meagan Fitzgerald to learn how to replace toxic thoughts with mantras that will help you change YOUR story. Learn more about the three areas of toxic thoughts and how to restructure your views by ignoring the lies you have been told your whole life.  



• “We are fed a whole stream of toxic BS that holds us all back.” (1:48-1:53)

• “There are so many more important things to talk about in this lifetime than weight loss, especially after you bring a new life into the world.” (3:30-3:40)

• “I could show the women in my classes that they could treat their bodies with love, respect and tons of grace. I didn’t have to push and beat myself up and they didn’t either.” (7:36-7:56)

• “What does this version of you need?” (10:50-10:54)



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