You don’t have to change a single thing about yourself to be confident! In today’s episode, your host Meagan Fitzgerald gives you insight on boosting your internal confidence and how to leave people-pleasing behind. She explains alternative ways to think about self-confidence and two easy strategies to help you become your most confident self. 

Meagan explains three important thoughts that will help you embrace your self-confidence and allow you to feel like yourself. She preaches that confidence is a choice. You can be confident exactly as you are without changing anything, and that not standing up as your true self is the ultimate act of people-pleasing. She encourages people to feel their feels and move forward anyway.

Tune into this week’s episode of Resting Bliss Face with your host Meagan Fitzgerald to learn about letting go of fear and embracing your inner confident queen! Learn simple strategies to improve your self-confidence and live your best authentic life.



• “Confidence is a choice. It probably doesn’t feel that way, but there is no confidence gene that you are just born with or without. This is something you can change.” (3:50-4:09)

• “It is possible to be confident exactly as you are. At your exact weight, your income level, your relationship status, your fitness level, your new mom status, your IQ, whatever. You can be confident right now, this second, without changing one thing about you.” (4:57-5:14) 

• “I don’t like everyone, why do I need everyone to like me? I don’t. I don’t even have the capacity to work with everyone or be everyone’s friend. So why the hell would I even try to appeal to everyone. Can’t do it. It’s impossible to have everybody like you. What if playing small and not standing up as your true self was the ultimate act of people-pleasing?” (6:46-7:30)

• “It is safe to be seen. It is safe to be heard. It is safe to be me.” (10:12-10:15)



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