36:46 – Revolutionary Purity Showdown – By Richard Ades – MP3 – Read – Print – Torrent– Archive – YouTube This play was originally written by Richard Ades and performed in Detroit in 1979, in part, as a response to Illyria Street Commune, a play released that year by Fredy Perlman. Revolutionary Purity Showdown is … Continue reading Revolutionary Purity Showdown – AudioPlay

36:46 – Revolutionary Purity Showdown – By Richard Ades – MP3ReadPrintTorrentArchiveYouTube

This play was originally written by Richard Ades and performed in Detroit in 1979, in part, as a response to Illyria Street Commune, a play released that year by Fredy Perlman. Revolutionary Purity Showdown is a game show where contestants compete “By throwing critiques, insults, and otherwise maligning the character of [their] two fellow contestants.”   “the show which says there’s no point in having a line if you don’t have the best line, and there’s no point in being right on, if you aren’t right on top.”

Judged by Emma Goldman, Harpo Marx and Leon Szolgocz this play is makes fun of an all to real dynamic in radical scenes. Be sure to check out the interview with Robby and Sylvie for more context. Theme song from “Password Plus”

*it should be noted that the character of Harpo Marx is almost entirely absent from this recording (only present in the honking horn) his character as you might imagine is all about physical comedy. So for the full effect of this play gather together you and 7 of your friends and put on your own performance of the revolutionary purity showdown.

You could even take a video we can post it on this site