It follows the inhabitants of a house over the years as it goes from isolated tenants to anarchist commune then devolves into in fighting and recuperation.

2:13:21 – Illyria Street Commune – by Fredy Perlman – MP3ReadPrint Part 1 Print Part 2TorrentArchiveYouTube

Radio Edit – MP3

Illyria Street Commune is a play originally written and performed in 1979 in Detroit. It follows the inhabitants of a house over the years as it goes from isolated tenants to anarchist commune then devolves into in fighting and recuperation. Be sure to check out Revolutionary Purity Showdown another take on collective living and conflict, as well as the interview with Robby and Sylvie. (Musical interludes: Chopin – Spring Waltz)

*Sorry for background noise and quality problems our recording set up is not great for recording multiple voices and some of the intended content of the play is lost without a visual component. That being said it was a blast to record and we hope that you enjoy it! For the full effect of the play  gather together a bunch of people and put on a live performance of it. and if you feel so inspired videotape it and send it to us and we can link to it here