2:27:26 – Robby Barnes and Sylvie Kashdan – MP3 – Torrent – Archive – YouTube We sat down with Robby and Sylvie in their home in Seattle to get some of the context for the two plays we were planning on recording. The interview turned into a nearly 2 and a half hour conversation where … Continue reading Robby and Sylvie Interview

2:27:26 – Robby Barnes and Sylvie Kashdan MP3TorrentArchiveYouTube

We sat down with Robby and Sylvie in their home in Seattle to get some of the context for the two plays we were planning on recording. The interview turned into a nearly 2 and a half hour conversation where we discussed Rojava, The 5th Estate, 1968, burnout,  and the last 30+ years of anarchy in the United States and much more. It was such a pleasure to hear their stories and perspectives. Though we recorded it almost a year ago we are exited to share it with you now and hope that you find it as interesting as it was for us. The interview is intended to provide some context for Illyria Street Commune by Fredy Perlman and Revolutionary Purity Showdown by Richard Ades which are both well worth a listen.