Katie Clark is a travel blogger living in Paris. Learn more about Katie Clark on Instagram at: @theadventuresofnursekatie

RESILIENT PEOPLE features conversations with host Janet Fanaki and guests from around the world who are admired for their resilience. They have overcome major challenges, created a purpose from it and now help others to be resilient too. 

Season 3 of the podcast features conversations with midlife women. 

If you are midlife woman with a story of resilience to tell, or know someone who does, please go to the RESILIENT PEOPLE website and fill out the form on the Contact page. Click here.

Find all interviews from the podcast, information about Janet Fanaki, hiring her for speaking opportunities and order RESILIENT merchandise at www.resilientpeople.ca.

Learn about our family's fundraiser The Adam Fanaki Brain Fund at www.theadamfanakibrainfund.com

The RESILIENT PEOPLE podcast is available everywhere you listen including Apple Podcasts and Spotify. 


Follow RESILIENT PEOPLE on Instagram www.instagram.com/resilientpeopleca & Twitter www.twitter.com/resilientpeopl

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