We believe sustainable weight loss and better health occurs as 2 sides of the same coin. There’s the strategy side, and the mindset side of the coin.

The mindset side consists of your thoughts, emotions, and habits which manifest as your weight and health. You cannot master your physical state without also mastering your mental and emotional state. Your thoughts create your emotions, your emotions drive your actions, and your actions create your results.

This lesson does a great job explaining one aspect of the mindset side of the weight loss coin - The Law of Attraction. This lesson is from Module 5 in our course where we teach you how to craft your Personal Faith Formula.

This is like your master mindset document that keeps you focused and self-accountable - if you read it with intention every day.

We are actually offering a private coaching call for each new Zivli member so that we can offer personalized support to craft this powerful document.

When someone is on the fence about joining Zivli, a big thing that holds them back is fear.

Common fears include missing out on social events, feeling hungry or restricted, feeling like a failure again if they don’t lose weight or keep it off, fear of change, fear of what you’ll have to “give up” and fear of judgment or criticism from others about your choices or how you spend your time.

So much fear can arise when we are pursuing big goals!

This lesson helps you better understand fear, and redefine it from something that keeps you stuck and scared, into a powerful agent for change.

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Resources From This Episode
>> Join Zivli
>> Book a Free Zivli Discovery Call
>> Freebie: The Ultimate Food Guide
>> Free Training - 5 Mistakes That Sabotage Weight Loss After 50