Are you scared of eating carbs after going Keto, or doing one meal a day? Join Dr. Morgan Nolte and Rachel Gregory for a discussion on metabolic flexibility. If you’ve been carbphobic, or have a fear of carbohydrates causing weight regain, this episode is for you. You’ll learn how to start eating carbs again after keto and why being metabolically flexible is important for your health. 

In this episode, you’ll learn what is metabolic flexibility, how to become metabolically flexible, the role metabolic flexibility plays in health and disease, and how to start eating carbs again strategically to avoid the regain.


If you’re ready to lose the weight for good, you’ve come to the right place!

Join my online course, Weight Loss for Health, to learn the science behind weight loss and habit change so you can lose weight, get healthy, and prevent disease. 

Also included with the program are weekly office hours with me and a membership site for encouragement, accountability, and support from other members. 

To learn more, go to

Free Weight Loss Resources

Weight Loss Masterclass to Lower Insulin Resistance & Inflammation

The 5% Mindset | How to Win at Weight Loss

The Ultimate Food Guide | What to Eat to Burn Fat

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