Do you feel tired and overwhelmed with 100 things on your to-do list and not enough time or energy to get them done!? The simplest way to simplify your schedule is to say no. 

I’m about to share with you 3 ways to gracefully say no, and more importantly, how to discern your best yes. 

What most people do when asked to do something is say yes automatically, with very little hesitation or thought. 

They may even subconsciously put on a show to make the person asking think that they are actually excited to say yes. Then, they procrastinate doing the task because they never wanted to do it in the first place. It takes up room in their mind, and every day they wake up and think, “Oh yeah, I need to get that done today…why did I say yes to doing that, I’m already busy enough, isn’t there someone else that could be doing this!”

So they procrastinate as long as possible, then do the task just to get it done, feeling a little resentful that they “have” to do it, and a little frustrated with themselves that they didn’t say no in the first place. Can you relate?

Time and again when I coach women on weight loss and health issues, a barrier that arises is time and energy to focus on their health. One reason they often are experiencing a lack of time and energy is because they are busy doing busy work because they haven't learned the skill of a graceful no. Learn how to do that in this episode!

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Resources From This Episode
>> Insulin Resistance Diet Starter Course
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>> Test Your Insulin at Home
>> Free Low Insulin Food Guide
>> Free Master Your Macros Training Videos