One of our favorite things to do is hear about Zivli member wins and success stories. When we hear of a great win in the community or Office Hours, we often reach out and ask that person if they’d be willing to share their story with our broader YouTube/Podcast community.

We always love hearing more of their backstory and details. What made them successful in reaching their goals? What did they do differently than before? What is their thought process like? What’s their daily routine?

This week we're honored to share an interview with Tracy.

Aside from looking and feeling amazing, Tracy also saw these results after she joined Zivli and put into practice what we teach:

✅ No more joint pain 🙌
✅ Lower blood pressure so I don’t have to take BP medication
✅ Lower cholesterol so I don’t have to take statin medication
✅ Not to have diabetes
✅ To get to a healthy weight (150 pounds for her)
✅ To be more active with my grandchildren
✅ Not to shy away from mirrors
✅ Fit into cute clothes

She dropped 3 clothing sizes and is no longer on any prescription medication. She’s more active with her grandkids and was proud of how she looked in her new swimsuit on her Jamaican vacation with her husband.

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Resources From This Episode
>> Insulin Resistance Diet Starter Course
>> Join Zivli
>> Test Your Insulin at Home
>> Free Low Insulin Food Guide
>> Free Master Your Macros Training Videos