Today, I am blessed to have John Whyte, MD, MPH, with me. Whyte is the Chief Medical Officer, WebMD. In this role, Whyte leads efforts to develop and expand strategic partnerships that create meaningful change around important and timely public health issues. Dr. Whyte is also the author of the Take Control series including Take Control of Your Diabetes Risk and Take Control of Your Cancer Risk books. 

Here’s What We Cover in this Episode:

About Dr. Whyte and His Passion For Policy Issues In The Medical CommunityThe Challenges That Arise With Innovation in Medicine How Dr. Whyte’s Practice Has Changed Over The YearThe Different Pillars of Health That Are Impacting Our WellnessHow Dr. Whyte Optimizes His Sleep Habits and Sleep Hygiene TipsMost Cancers Are Caused By A Combination of Lifestyle IssuesThe Importance of Recognizing Mental Health and How To Navigate Depression and Anxiety150 Minutes Each Week: Exercise Recommendations From Dr. Whyte


Resources from this Episode: 

Check out WebMD:

Get Dr. Whyte’s book, Take Control:

Follow Dr. Whyte



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