Previous Episode: Following Your Heart

Resetting Your Life, Episode 3, with author Ned Lips and special guest, Donalee Gastreich of Awaken the Spirit Within

Have you, as many have, spent your entire life doing what others told you that you should do? You can reset your life and truly live it!

Your path is yours alone. We all know those few friends or acquaintances who found their ways early on and seem to have breezed through life without a care in the world. They love their job. They look forward to going to work every day. They work long hours because they want to. We all hate those people, but in reality, we envy them.

Those people can be you. The difference between you and them is that they figured out what they were passionate about, dreamed about being, early on and pursued that no matter what anyone else said and no matter the hurdles they had to overcome, which were remarkably few, we thought to ourselves.