In this episode RYU Podcast, Michael gets into the nitty-gritty of life insurance and what the big banks are up to. Now, Dave Ramsey, you've probably heard of him, he's been pretty adamant that banks don't touch permanent life insurance with a ten-foot pole. But before you take his word for gospel, let's think about this for a sec.

Do you reckon Dave knows more about money than the big banking giants? I mean, banks own skyscrapers, and we own little houses, right? So, what's their secret sauce? Now, here's where it gets interesting. I'm gonna show you how to do your own detective work. No need to take Dave's word or mine. Just hit up, do a little searching, and you'll find out what the big players like

Wells Fargo and Bank of America are up to. It turns out, they're holding boatloads of permanent life insurance, even more than they've got in real estate!

So, what does that tell you? It's a cash stash they trust. So, whether you trust Dave or billionaires like Jamie Dimon, who's all in on life insurance, well, the choice is yours. Take care and God Bless!

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