In this episode RYU Podcast, Michael dives into the game-changers for a better life. I know, I know, it's a lot to remember, so be sure to hit that save button or shoot this to your bestie.

First up, no more complaining. Instead, let's be solution-seekers. Then, toss out the blame game and own your story. We've all been there, right?

Next, let's talk staying cool as a cucumber. No need for shouting matches and find that common ground instead. Oh, and humble pie? It's on the menu. No need to flaunt your successes. Let your actions do the talking. And hey, yelling? Let's save that for the stadium, shall we? Take it down a notch and speak calmly - you'll be heard loud and clear.

Plus, here's a tip: let's be all ears before we start gabbing. It's the 80-20 rule, my friends. Listen more, talk less. Being kind is always cool. Less judging, more connecting.

And last but not least, truth talk. No more stretching the truth - it's all about that honest vibe. And guess what? Speaking the truth doesn't just build trust with others, it builds confidence in yourself. So here's to embracing these changes and living our best lives. Take care and God bless!

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