We are releasing this special episode in partnership with Speak Up at Work and in recognition of Workplace Bullying Awareness week. How does a dive into WPB fit in with a podcast on Healthy Masculinity? Well, one in three people are bullied at work and, as we’ll hear, male targets of bullying often experience the most significant impacts… up to and including suicide and premature death. The prevalence of domination culture in most workplaces, in combination with the isolating expectations of “Man Box” masculinity makes WPB a potent toxin for men, whether we are perpetrators, enablers, bystanders or targets.

To help us untangle all these roles, dig into the root causes of WPB, and to propose some system solutions and individual actions, Mark and I are joined by Linda Crocket and Animah Kosai, two people who’ve dedicated their lives to empowering others to prevent and recover from harassment and bullying at work.

Linda Crockett is a clinical social worker and activist who is the founder of the Canadian Institute of Workplace Bullying and Harassment Resource Centre Inc., (2010), the first and only full-service resource centre in Canada specific to psychological harassment.  Linda provides workplace management services to employers and employees, from all professions and industries.

Linda started the Workplace Bullying Awareness Week 10 yrs ago, and began inviting countries around the world to join in. She believes this is a worldwide issue and we need a worldwide solution. This year, every day between October 17-23rd, depending on where you are, you will  have access to podcasts, TV interviews, Radio Interviews, Blogs, Articles, online discussions, posters, t-shirts and so much more. This movement IS making a difference and as a result, positive changes are happening. For more information on this week, see the links in our shownotes.

Animah Kosai is a British barrister who speaks, writes and advises on Speaking Up in Organisations, specifically to break the silence on wrongdoing.

She founded Speak Up At Work to diagnose the Speak Up Culture in companies and assess their response to reports on wrongdoing, harassment, unsafe and unethical practices. This helps companies address emerging risks early enough before they get too big and become public.

In this episode, you’ll hear me confront my own complicity in the face of a workplace bully and how that complicity affected me. Listen to the full episode to learn how we can stop taking workplace culture for granted and find ways to make the workplace better for all of us.


Linda Crockett's Contact and Social Media

Twitter https://twitter.com/BullyingAlberta

LinkedIn   www.linkedin.com/in/ciwbh

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/workerssafety

Website: instituteofworkplacebullyingresources.ca

Animah Kosai's Contact Information and Social Media

Twitter https://twitter.com/SpeakUpAtWork

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/animah-kosai/

Website  https://speakupatwork.com/

Join the Speak Up Collective: https://the-speak-up-collective.mn.co

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