In this episode, Mark and I explore the roots of domination culture and how men’s response to that culture can lead to acts of violence and rape.

Just a heads up… although the targets of male violence deserve attention, humanization, and support, in this conversation we do center the discussion on men - the men who allow or perpetuate violence against women, even if we think we don’t. We unpack men’s common reactions to stories of rape and harassment, our overt or covert role in rape culture, our resistance to taking action and how men can help each other to overcome that resistance.

In digging into the roots of the violence and the resistance to change, Mark and I do express empathy and solidarity with men trapped in domination culture AND we don’t let ourselves of other men off the hook. This is a fine line to walk but that's the line that needs to be navigated… men holding ourselves accountable and responsible while calling each other IN to allyship and activism with those who are victims of male violence.

Listen to the full episode to learn how men can push back against the code of silence that turns us into complicit bystanders and how we can become better allies, while actually creating a better, more connected life for ourselves.