Getting real in a conversation about masculinity and race with Jose Alejandro. Jose’s masculinity story is both typical and unique. At a very young age he "had it all," a six figure salary, good looks, a healthy body, and a gorgeous girlfriend.  But something was missing...and something was preventing him from really succeeding at work and in his relationship. Fortunately Jose took the time to investigate and reclaim his missing parts, his full authentic masculinity.

And now Jose is running his own business promoting men’s comprehensive health. He offers coaching and workshops to other men as they work to find their true selves. As a man of color, Jose finds himself in an important role astride the divide between the mostly white men’s movement and the more diverse organizations confronting racism and inequality.

Listen to the full episode to learn how men confront their internal demons and how they can grapple with what appears to divide us. The end result of both kinds of struggles is - spoiler alert - connection, health, and richer life.

Key Takeaways:

There are multiple ways men can enter men’s work.
Talking about race and the different experiences men of color have is key to advancing men’s work.


“Men spend 164 billion dollars on self care per year… but yet suicides rates are 79% men. So there’s this disparity… men are investing in themselves but there’s this dissonance in investing in their well being, their inner selves.”

Jose’s Information and Projects:

Jose’s Coaching and Branding Program
Modern Renaissance Man
Jose’s Instagram

More Resources for Men:

Rising Man
Sacred Sons
Mankind Project


As a writer, speaker and consultant, Mark Greene has spent over a decade deconstructing our binary-riddled dialogues around manhood and masculinity. He consults to organizations world wide on diversity, inclusion and masculinity. Mark is the author of The Little #MeToo Book for Men, Remaking Manhood and is co-author with Dr. Saliha Bava of The Relational Book for Parenting. You can learn more about Mark's work at

Charles is an educator and public speaker who has mentored hundreds of men in communication, leadership, & emotional growth. You can learn more about his work at and/or by requesting to join the Facebook Group, Redefining Strength


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Theme music composed by Gus Greene. Click here for links to his music on most streaming services.