We have a virtual sit-down with Jan Darwin Hutchins. The conversation is wide ranging, warm, and open. Just a group of guys, sitting in front of a hearth, sharing ideas and support.

Charles first met Jan when he was co-facilitating a Mankind Project men’s initiation weekend. Jan’s been involved with MKP for decades and has helped scores of men down a path toward a more authentic and balanced masculinity. Jan started out his career as sports broadcaster and TV producer and even helped run an Emmy winning children’s show. But like many men who seemed to have it all figured out, Jan still felt a gap, a sense of something incomplete. In this podcast, Jan talks about his experience at his transformative rite of passage where he started to fill in that gap.

Jan, Mark, and Charles also talk about race, how to bridge divides, and the value of male friendships for anchoring, informing, and directing our lives.

Pull a chair up to the fire. You are invited into this conversation.

Key Takeaways:

We can hold two opposing ideas at the same time and let that help us bridge gaps within ourselves and between people.
We can find some peace and authenticity by accepting what is.

Information on Jan:

Jan Hutchins on Wikipedia

More Resources for Men:

Mankind Project

Influencers and Writers

Bessel van der Kolk - Trauma researcher


Join us for powerful conversations with the men and women leading the healthy masculinity movement. For generations, our culture has taught us a narrow and limiting set of rules for how to be a man. The end result? Epidemic levels of isolation and violence for boys and men and for the multitude of others who’s lives we impact. But we can make a difference choice. 

As a writer, speaker and consultant, Mark Greene has spent over a decade deconstructing our binary-riddled dialogues around manhood and masculinity. He consults to organizations world wide on diversity, inclusion and masculinity. Mark is the author of The Little #MeToo Book for Men, Remaking Manhood and is co-author with Dr. Saliha Bava of The Relational Book for Parenting. You can learn more about Mark's work at RemakingManhood.com

Charles is an educator and public speaker who has mentored hundreds of men in communication, leadership, & emotional growth. You can learn more about his work at CharlesMatheus.com and/or by requesting to join the Facebook Group, Redefining Strength.


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Theme music composed by Gus Greene. Click here for links to his music on most streaming services.