Next Episode: Metaphors

Do you know how you want to feel most of the time?  

Or, the first question should be: Do you know how you do feel most of the time right now? 

So take a moment, clear your mind and answer this question: how do you feel most of the time? 

Now ask yourself - based on whatever answer you gave,  is that how you would like to feel?

Even though this seems obvious, in the past few years, I’ve realized I’m the one who gets to decide how I feel so I can be intentional about the feelings I want. 

Isn't that crazy? I was going through life assuming my feelings were just happening directly to me  -that feelings just happened as a result of circumstances and that’s just how it was.. So hopefully there were good circumstances so I’d have good feelings (but it only occasionally worked out that way). 

Now that I’m living a more intentional, aware life, I know that I have a choice about how I will feel (or try to feel) most of the time, and through lots of mind-wandering, and writing, and thinking, and noticing, I’ve decided on 3 main feelings I want to feel. 

Right now, I’m drawn to these 3 emotions but I’m figuring out how I can remind myself of these feelings during my day-to-day. 

These feelings are Engaged, Inspired, Delighted.

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