Picture yourself standing in a pool of water. You step forward and wet your hair under the cascading waterfall. Relax and close your eyes. Let the sounds of the waterfall pull away your anxiety. Focus on the soothing sound of nature. Your heart rate slows. Everything is calm and serene.

Why I made this soundscape:

My cat, Diego, is a little assassin. He uses my shower as his kill room. Many a morning I’ve woken up to a scene of blood and feathers on the tile floor. Usually it’s a bird. Sometimes a mouse. But this morning when I pulled back the shower current I found a snake. I could feel my heart racing even though it was obviously dead. Even after nudging it with a broom to make sure, I still felt anxious. And so I skipped on the shower and started making these new soundscapes. My intention was to create a soundscape that made you feel like you were in the center of a waterfall and the water was rushing over you.

I hope by listening to it you find happiness and calmness.