Picture yourself hiking through the jungle. A light rain drips down from the rainforest canopy. Suddenly, the sound of thunder cracks across the valley. The rain changes to a downpour, water collecting around your boots. Relax and close your eyes. Let the sounds of the rolling thunder pull away your anxiety. Focus on the sound of the tropical rain. Your heart rate slows. Everything is calm and serene.

Why I made this soundscape:

A couple years ago I was dating this girl. We both lived in Mexico at the time. In the middle of July she had to go up to Texas to clear out a storage unit and was gone for two weeks. July in Mexico is rainy season. Every other day it pours down from about 5 -7 in the evening. It’s a great time to get stuck in a bar. While she was gone I wanted to send her something to remind her of home. So, I went out into the forest and recorded a thunder storm.

This Tropical Rain & Rolling Thunder Soundscape is a replica of that sound love letter. I hope by listening to it you find happiness and calmness.

Listen to our album: https://relaxingnaturesounds.bandcamp.com/album/a-journey-begins