Picture yourself sitting under the rainforest canopy. Coqui frogs call to each other creating a soothing song. A waterfall cascades in the distance. Relax and close your eyes. Let the sounds of the forest pull away your anxiety. Focus on the sound of the coqui frogs. Your heart rate slows. Everything is calm and serene.

Why I made this soundscape:

I was up at 3:00 AM last week. So, I decided to try out the previous coqui frogs soundscape I had made. To my surprise it actually worked and I think I fell asleep in about fifteen minutes. So, I went about making some new ones: a lively rainforest soundscape for the day and a quieter one for sleep. I hope all the folks from Hawaii and Puerto Rico enjoy these. And maybe a couple of people like me will find them enjoyable as well.

I hope by listening to it you find happiness and calmness.

Photo by Thomas Shahan “El Yunque National Forest, Puerto

Rico” https://www.flickr.com/photos/49580580@N02/23014558519

Photo License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/