Picture yourself hiking through an ice tunnel. The icicles slowly melt and drip off the glacier walls. A small stream trickles through the tunnel. Relax and close your eyes. Let the sounds of the melting ice pull away your anxiety. Focus on the sound of the water. Your heart rate slows. Everything is calm and serene.

Why I made this soundscape:

I was driving up to Andorra one spring. (Who would have thought there was a country between France and Spain?) The road weaved along the side of a snowy mountain. Icicles were melting and forming a sheet of ice that made it look like I was driving through an ice tunnel. It was one of the most beautiful scenes I’d seen. This soundscape is based on that morning.

If you like my soundscapes, you may enjoy our scripted audio-dramas. Go to deepdrag.com and listen to Flies in the Jar.