Previous Episode: Artic Sea Cliff | One Hour

Picture yourself lying in the snow. The ocean crashes in the distance. Ice bobs on the water. Relax and close your eyes. Let the sounds of the artic pull away your anxiety. Focus on the sound of the water and ice. Your heart rate slows. Everything is calm and serene.

Why I made this soundscape:

I once traveled to the North Sea. Even though it was the middle of summer a cold wind blew down and across the water. My friends undressed down to their skivvies and the dove into the sea. I lay down on my beach towel while wearing a heavy parka and beanie. My friends ran out of the water shivering. This soundscape may be a bit north of where I was, but I think it invokes the happiness I had that day.

I hope by listening to it you find happiness and calmness.