This episode will leave you feeling loved, inspired, on fire with purpose and ready to challenge some norms.

SharRon Jamison, life strategist, author, minister, entrepreneur, and corporate leader, joins me for a powerful conversation around the 4 things needed in healing trauma to get to full liberation.  She motivates and supports high performing womxn around the world to tap into their own unique purpose, pleasure and unstoppable courage. We explore human-centered, dignity-affirming trauma informed care for people who carry various identities and how trauma informed care is not one-size-fits-all.

Have a listen and let me know how it lands for you! I’m really excited about this new podcast and want to keep shaping it around what’s supportive and engaging for YOU.💙

ALSO…we've to a new podcast schedule of twice monthly (1st and 3rd Wednesday) starting in June. It has been a wild journey recording 32 weekly podcasts since fall of last year and while it’s been super fun, twice a month feels easier and we’re ALL ABOUT ease here at Team Revolutionary Love. 💙 I’m excited to keep bringing you high-quality conversations with so many incredible trauma-informed people from many modalities this year. Thank you so much for all the people you’ve sent my way to the podcast as well.  It’s been incredible to watch the audience grow!

A bit about SharRon

SharRon Jamison is a life strategist, author, minister, entrepreneur, and corporate leader who is committed to helping you BE who you were born to be and not settle for what society has taught and told you to be.

Through her coaching programs, innovative workshops, wisdom-filled books, empowering sister circles, and speaking events, she passionately challenges people to shed societal “shoulds” and outdated beliefs so they can live  purpose-centered lives

SharRon earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia. She earned a Master of Business Administration from Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Connect with SharRon:

For Free Resources, please click here:

Free on-demand event, Belonging To Me:

Have a listen and let me know how it lands for you! I’m really excited about this new podcast and want to keep shaping it around what’s supportive and engaging for YOU.



Connect with Shelby:

IG: @fierceheart.shelbyleigh

[email protected]

Body Of Work