Kim Coffin vulnerably shares her story of betrayal, loss and abandonment. We explore topics of money, power and control as they have related to both of our experiences in our families of origin. We explore how we have both moved through complex relational trauma in different and similar ways and how we both hold it now. They're vulnerable stories of trauma and incredible healing and empowerment. 

A bit about Kim 

Kim Coffin is a Trauma Informed Somatic Sex, Love & Relationship Coach, as well as an Empowerment & Sexuality Coach, Female Sexuality Coach, Tantric Sex Coach and founder of Get Your Sexy Back! She specializes in empowerment, confidence, creating trust and safety in our bodies and in our minds, self-love, pleasure, sensuality, intimacy with self and in relationships, as well as relationship transformation for couples, jade egg, tantra and sacred sexuality. 

Kim teaches singles and couples how to RECONNECT to their body, ACTIVATE their turn-on, HEAL heartbreak & shame at a body-based level, RECLAIM the places they’ve been disempowered, so they can come back into their body and step into their UNAPOLOGETIC POWER through sacred sexuality. In their relationships, in their businesses, in their body and in their lives.

Connect with Kim: 


Instagram - get_your_sexy_back_coach

Private Facebook Group - Get Your Sexy Back

Sacred Pleasure Membership

Book a Complimentary Discovery Call

Free Grounding & Balancing Practice

Have a listen and let me know how it lands for you! I’m really excited about this new podcast and want to keep shaping it around what’s supportive and engaging for YOU. 



ALSO…we will be transitioning to a new podcast schedule of twice monthly (1st and 3rd Wednesday) starting in June. It has been a wild journey recording 32 weekly podcasts since fall of last year and while it’s been super fun, twice a month feels easier and we’re ALL ABOUT ease here at Team Revolutionary Love. 💙 I’m excited to keep bringing you high-quality conversations with so many incredible trauma-informed people from many modalities this year. Thank you so much for all the people you’ve sent my way to the podcast as well. It’s been incredible to watch the audience grow!

Connect with Shelby:

IG: @fierceheart.shelbyleigh

[email protected]

Body Of Work