For coaches, therapists and facilitators of the world…this episode is a behind the scenes listen of how I talk about my work and how I think about my work.

In the process of rebranding my site, I’ve hired an incredible copywriter, Jaqueline Paumier, to help me create new thoughts and ideas about how I share my work. In representing my work, in alignment with my values, I share how I view my work in trauma.

We get into my definitions of trauma and trauma-informed care. I share about nervous systems and how we build relationships with others. We talk about how as coaches we can be strong enough to hold chaos, establish boundaries, and clarify a safe container for regulation and growth.

We didn’t know we were going to release this as a podcast so it’s super casual and not perfectly linear.  Please excuse the messiness! I thought it would be fun for you to listen to anyways.

A bit about Jacqueline

Jacqueline offers a “holistic copywriting” approach. In her own brilliant words: “Look…I’m not here to give you anything you don’t already have. I’m just here to help you curate it, and get it out into the world. The right way.”

Connect with Jacqueline:


Instagram: @selfwriteously

Have a listen and let me know how it lands for you! I’m really excited about this new podcast and want to keep shaping it around what’s supportive and engaging for YOU.



Connect with Shelby:

IG: @fierceheart.shelbyleigh