We have more access to creativity, intelligence and expression when we feel safe.

In this episode I interview Danielle Cohen, a visibility coach and brand photographer. She describes how no single image COULD EVER tell the full story of who you are…and in this episode she shares with us that we can build a body of work and a body of expression to share our work with the world.

We talk about how we contribute to growing "safeness" with our clients and the groups we facilitate. Danielle shares about how being explicit with our roles, expectations and agreements is kind to those we are working with. We weave in attachment theory, CPTSD, developmental trauma and various ways to build a foundation between us and those that we support when in the role of care provider.

This is helpful for everyone - not just folks with trauma. "What feels safe to one person may not feel safe to someone else" and we breakdown how to co-create space with others and acknowledge each of our individual needs for safety.

About Danielle:

Danielle Cohen (she/her) is a visibility coach and brand photographer with a unique approach to helping pro-social creative entrepreneurs, coaches, visionaries, and healers (aka beacons) step into and offer their greatest work by becoming more visible on their terms, owning their story and their magic, having the impact they’re here to have and thriving while doing it.

IG: @daniellecohenphotography

Web: www.visibilitymedicine.com 
