Megan deBoer of Tended Wealth models for us what it's like to slow down as we build safer relationships with ourselves as we cultivate a meaningful relationship with money.  She shares about many somatic elements of holding and growing money in ways that our nervous systems can tolerate and expand with.  She brings her embodied wisdom of years of supporting female identified business owners as they become empowered and clear with their business and money growth.

A bit more about Megan:

Megan deBoer is the founder of Tended Wealth, a business that helps individuals heal their emotional and practical relationship to money. As a certified Financial Recovery Counselor, her approach considers the context of our current financial circumstance: our lived experience, our family of origin, and the broad culture that together shape our beliefs about money. She is passionate about transforming this fundamental part of our lives from shame and overwhelm to a sense of agency, clarity, and potential. She specializes in helping women who are self-employed to radically increase their earning. Her course participants and 1:1 clients regularly attest to the life changing power of this work.

To connect with Megan visit:


Instagram: @tendedwealth

Connect with Shelby:

IG: @fierceheart.shelbyleigh