In this episode of Relating to Self, recorded on 27 April 2023, I have a conversation with Nathan Vanderpool, a father, a seeker, an artist. Someone who's striving to grow. who suffers. who gets petty. who feels overwhelmed. who relaxes. who opens. who connects.

Topics mentioned in the episode:

Embracing Despair: Finding Meaning in Difficult EmotionsInternal Family Systems: Releasing Tensions in the BodyThe Impact of Meditation on WellbeingRefraining from Labeling Experiences as Good or BadBuilding Different Aspects of OneselfSurrender and AcceptanceThe Importance of Flexibility in ResponseUnderstanding Life through ExperienceThe Practice of Self-ImprovementThe Self as a Collection of PartsLoneliness and Its Relation to SelfCultivating Range in Response to Situations

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