When you’re just starting out in the real estate business, it’s all about the small wins. This business can be really hard, so it’s important to stay focused and consistent in your efforts. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you’re trying to get that first deal done but concentrating on getting small wins is what leads you to success. You’re going to get a lot of ‘no’s’ before you get that ‘yes’, but all it takes is one good ‘yes’ to make a ton of money.

I talk a lot about mindset with my coaching clients because it’s the key to motivation. The best athletes aren’t just the best at their sport because of their talent. It’s also due to their mindset and persistence, not stopping until they get that win. To stay in a healthy, positive mindset, it’s important to surround yourself with others who will bring you up. Connect with like-minded people at networking events or even through online communities like ours. You have to believe you can do this to be successful, so make sure you’re cultivating the right thoughts to keep you moving forward.

What’s Inside:

How small wins add up to big successes in real estate.Why mindset and surrounding yourself with the right people is the key to staying motivated.Why you should focus on the tasks at hand instead of the outcome.

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