Sales are the million-dollar skill that you need to learn to close more real estate deals. Good sales techniques bring solutions to the table and get you more money. The way you position your offers directly impacts your ability to close. It all starts with listening carefully to your seller and gathering as much information as you can. The first thing you need to uncover is their level of motivation to sell so you can come up with a price that works. Starting off with a cash offer and then disqualifying it is one of my favorite techniques to use.

Creative financing is a great way to get sellers across the finish line. By offering terms, it allows you to get to their price and sets them up with consistent monthly payments. We discuss selling techniques in-depth with our coaching clients, as it’s a fundamental skill you need. You can have the perfect marketing strategy lined up and all your systems automated, but if you can’t sell, none of that is worth it. Great selling is also great problem solving and getting that down can make you a lot of cash.

What’s Inside:

How disqualifying cash offers can help you close more deals.
Why creative financing is a great strategy.
Why do marketing and automation mean nothing if you don’t have solid sales skills.

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